On 31st March, 2023, the amended CONSTITUTION of the Evangelical Presbyterian Students’Union was signed.
It was approved by CONGRESS on the 6th of August, 2022 at EPCG, Peki Blengo.
The next step after the approval of the document, was to present it to the Moderator of the General Assembly and this has been done successfully.
After deliberations and clarifications, a day was agreed on for the official signing of the Constitution.
On the said day, a brief ceremony was held at the Headquarters of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana in Ho and the approved document was signed by the following individuals;
●Chairperson of CONGRESS (EPSU NATIONAL PRESIDENT); Mr. Patrick Dodzi Senoo
●The Moderator of the General Assembly, EPCG, Rt. Rev. Dr. Lt. Col. B. D. K. Agbeko (Rtd)

After its official signing, the document will now be made available to all presbytery/Zone leadership who will equally forward it to the districts and local unions.
The Constitution of the Evangelical Presbyterian Students’ Union, Ghana, (1993) as amended by the Evangelical Presbyterian Students’ Union (EPSU) (Amended Draft), (2015) are hereby repealed.

On behalf of the National Council of EPSU, we want to express our profound gratitude to all members of EPSU( old & new) and the REVIEW COMMITTEE, who willingly and wholeheartedly worked on this document. God bless and replenish you.

Thank you and congratulations to EPSU