The Evangelical Presbyterian Students’ Union ( EPSU ) is thirty(30) years old. Hurray !!
In view of this, the 30th Anniversary Planning Committee invites all talented Graphic Designers in the union to create a logo that captures the essence of this significant milestone.

We are looking for a logo that is innovative, memorable, and reflective of the values of EPSU. The logo should be versatile, as it will be used across multiple platforms, including print and digital media.

In your submission, please include a detailed description of your design concept and how it relates to the union’s mission and values.

We will be accepting submissions until 14th May, 2023, and the anniversary committee will review all entries and select the design that best represents the union’s 30th anniversary.
The selected designer will be duly acknowledged and greatly rewarded at the anniversary thanksgiving service.

To submit your design, please include the following information:

⭕ Designs must be in JPG format with a minimum resolution of 1280 x 960 and to be sent in size A4 (21cm x 29.7 cm) by email.
A high-resolution image of the logo in both color and black and white.

⭕ A brief bio about yourself and your experience as a graphic designer, including the local union and Presbytery you represent.

⭕ Your contact information, including your email address and phone number.

⭕ Note that all designs are to be sent to Ms. Paulina Elorm Agyeiwaa on [email protected] or contact her on 0245429422 for more information.

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