SAG21: Holy Ghost Encounter – Day 27


2 Corinthians 4:7
However, we possess this precious treasure [the Light of the Gospel] in [frail, human] vessels of earth, that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power may be shown to be from God and not from ourselves.

✍️Friend, by the new birth, God has deposited the seeds of greatness, power and glory etc in us. The seed within only comes alive at the place of encounter. Because the seed of greatness cannot operate properly outside its environment (the presence of God).


1. Holy Ghost, unearth every hidden treasure in me in the name of Jesus.

2. Oh Lord, show me the secret of my prosperity. I shall not miss the man/woman with the key to my breakthrough

3. Holy Ghost, show me my place of manifestation and reveal my helpers to me.

4. Holy Ghost, reveal to me the hidden secret of my family’s problem in the name of Jesus. And I receive the keys to my family’s prosperity.

5. Father seal every part of my vessel which is leaking in the name of Jesus Christ. I empty my vessel of every bitterness, fear, anger, unforgiveness and I pack it with love, power and sound mind.


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