SAG21: Holy Ghost Encounter – Day 24


Luke 5:5-6,8
“Master,” Simon replied, “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.”

And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear!
When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, “Oh, Lord, please leave me—I’m too much of a sinner to be around you.”

📖Your positioning influences your encounter. And your shift is a product of your encounter. But there’s no encounter without absolute obedience. An encounter shifts, changes and impacts glory upon our lives.


🙏I shift from fear, mediocrity and inferiority to favour, power and strength in the name of Jesus.

🙏I move from the place of rejection/shame/lack of ideas to my position of divine acceptance, glory and divine ideas.

🙏By the Holy Spirit, I remove my name permanently from every register of poverty and lack now. I am planted in fruitfulness, prosperity and divine abundance.

🙏 By divine encounter, I am shifted from every family history (i.e sickness/alters/foundation) by fire in the name of Jesus Christ.

🙏By your blood, I receive the grace to shift from every hidden/generational curse/affliction to open glory and victory in the name of Jesus Christ.


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